About Us
For Teachers By Teachers is an innovative professional development organization. We design courses for PK–12 educators looking to hone their practice, develop new skill sets, and learn the latest research-driven teaching techniques shaping the field today. Our aim is to make earning your salary differential credits convenient and in perfect alignment with the busy lifestyle of a modern educator. Our courses are self-paced and online, crafted by professional writers, researchers and teaching veterans to be the most insightful, inspiring and enjoyable course offerings available for you on the market today. Take one course with us and you'll see the difference that professional development designed "For Teachers By Teachers" makes in your career!
We are approved providers of Graduate Level Professional Development for Colorado State University (CSU) Pueblo, University of Massachusetts Global. We are also approved providers of professional development for the Hawaii State Department of Education (PDE3) and the New York City Department of Education (ASPDP and A+). We offer certified educators a variety of courses to effectively and conveniently satisfy their professional development needs.
Our professional development courses proudly support the following:
- Through our partnership with ASPDP/NYCDOE, we are an approved sponsor of the New York State Education Department’s 100 hours of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) requirements and pre-approved provider of P credit and A+ credit courses that can be applied to the BA+30, BA+60, MA+30 and other professional development or CTLE requirements.
- Strategic Plan Aligned: Based on learner outcomes, these professional development courses have proven to significantly impact student success, staff success and school climate and culture. The research-based skills and strategies that we teach have ongoing and sustained impacts on professional growth and student learning.
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): These professional development courses provide innovative solutions to support a high quality education for all students by focusing on ESSA relevant topics, such as social & emotional learning, relationship building, art integration, and whole-child learning.
Hawaii DOE | Nā Hopena A'o (HĀ) and the HIDOE Wellness Guidelines:
Participants complete our courses inspired, empowered, and prepared to develop initiatives that utilize student voice, align with Na Hopena Ao (HA) outcomes and strengths, and support the DOE's Wellness Guidelines, while also addressing their school's unique priority for the Academic Plan. - Strengthened Sense of Belonging: Each of our professional development courses provide online discussion forums and opportunities for participants from across Hawaii to connect, communicate and collaborate with one another, in a meaningful and highly effective way.
- Whole-School Wellness and the Whole Child: Students’ physical, social, mental, emotional, and cognitive development are critical as they move from early childhood to adolescence to adulthood. These courses address the whole-child, honoring each student's health and wellbeing to increase their readiness to learn.
We would be honored to support you in meeting your professional development goals in a fun, convenient and highly meaningful way. Please let us know if you have any questions, we would love to hear from you. You can find us on social media at facebook.com/forteachersbyteachers and the For Teachers By Teachers (FTBT) Team can be reached by email at: [email protected].